A Collection of Successful Finance Dissertation Ideas for College Students

Writing a dissertation in finance is rather difficult. However, this task can be easier if you choose the right topic that you’re interested in and that will provide your listeners with really useful information. Unfortunately, many students cannot come up with original topics without some assistance. If you’re struggling with selecting a subject for your paper, the following suggestions might give you some inspiration.

  1. An assessment of corporate governance and capital structure.
  2. A study of capital budgeting in the oil and gas industry.
  3. The Indian pharmaceutical industry: the influence of acquisitions and mergers.
  4. Corporate strategy and risk management in low budget airlines.
  5. The influence of taxation on dividend policy.
  6. Multinational corporations and foreign exchange rate management.
  7. Methods that determine the effectiveness of managing economic and operational risks.
  8. Profitability determinants in the banking sector of Europe.
  9. Manufacturing industry: problems related to traditional budgeting.
  10. Multinational corporations and control of financial planning.

You may choose one of these topics to write your finance dissertation. However, for your paper to be successful, you should do more than just select a good topic. The structure of your paper should be solid and logical. Here are the tips on how to outline your work:

  • Introduction.
  • This section presents the topic of your research. You should clearly indicate the main question of your study and set the purpose of your work. Briefly mention the participants of the research and issues that will be examined in the paper.

  • Literature review.
  • Provide your readers with information about the sources that you used during your study and give a theoretical background of your topic.

  • Methods.
  • Describe in details the methodology that you applied to conduct your research. This section should be written in such a way so that your readers can clearly understand your actions and repeat your tests on their own.

  • Results.
  • Here, you should present only the raw figures that your study resulted in.

  • Discussion.
  • After you’ve presented your results, you may discuss them. State whether the outcomes met your expectations or not.

  • Conclusion.
  • Sum up your main points in this section and indicate the importance of your contribution to the development of the subject. If your study aroused some unanswered questions, you may present them as the ways to continue this research.

  • Bibliography.
  • List all the sources that you used and format them properly to meet the requirements stated in your assignment.

  • Appendices.
  • Add extra materials that couldn’t be placed in the middle of your dissertation, like tables or questionnaires.

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